As a member of CUPE, there are many educational opportunities available.
CUPE’s Union Development Department offers a wide variety of workshops to help you develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to improve our workplaces and our society.
To view all upcoming workshops, please click here.
The link will take you to “Cupe’s Union Education” Website. Select your province, and
it will list many upcoming workshops. Below is some of many that are listed:
Saskatchewan Winter School 2025
On behalf of CUPE Education Branch please find the program brochure at the following link:
Session 1 – Human Rights Days
Session 2 – Fundamentals of Labour Law
Session 3 – Stewarding Series
CUPE National has a vaccine policy and you can read it here:
The policy applies to CUPE National organized events, including Union Education workshops and National meetings and conferences.
All staff and members are encouraged to complete daily self-screening before attending any CUPE event, and to stay home if they are exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19, or any other infectious disease, including the flu, common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), etc.
Masking and physical distancing of six feet is encouraged, but no longer mandatory.
In registering for this event, it is understood that you agree to comply with the protocols that may be established.
What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!
In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.
NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.
– Duty of Fair Representation – 9-12
– Understanding Mental Health – 1-4
Financial Officers – Wednesday, March 19/25, 9-4Lunch 12-1 both days
Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees MUST attend Financial Essentials (Day 1) in order to attend Financial Officers (Day 2).
Please bring a copy of your local bylaws and a laptop computer.
Financial Officers – Tuesday, April 1/25 (9-4)Lunch: 12-1 both days
Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees must have attended Financial Essentials (Day 1) in order to attend Financial Officers (Day 2) of this training.
Please bring a copy of your local bylaws and a laptop computer.
Saskatchewan Summer School 2025
On behalf of CUPE Union Education Branch please find the program brochure at the following link:
Choose One:
Session 1 – Mitigation of Discipline and Accommodation Clinic/Bootcamp
Session 2 – Communications – When You Have Something to Say or Have to Say Something
Session 3 – Leadership in Locals and Between Locals
Session 4 – Fundamentals of Labour Law
CUPE National has a vaccine policy and you can read it here:
All staff and members are encouraged to complete daily self-screening before attending any CUPE event, and to stay home if they are exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19, or any other infectious disease, including the flu, common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), etc.
Masking and physical distancing of six feet is encouraged, but no longer mandatory.
Summer School fees:
“Early Bird” registrations/cheques must be received by March 24, 2025.
Hotel Room – double occupancy – $1,373 (Early bird); after March 20/25 – $1,499
Hotel Room – single occupancy – $2,003 (Early bird); after March 20/25 – $2,192
Cabin – double occupancy – $1,625 (Early bird); after March 20/25 – $1,814
No single occupancy is available in cabin.
Make cheque payable to: CUPE
Mail payment to:
CUPE Summer School 2025
c/o CUPE Saskatoon Area Office
250 Cardinal Crescent
Saskatoon SK S7L 6H8